BlocktrailSdk Namespace
Module | Description |
Client | Contains methods to retreive data from the blockchain using the Blocktrail API. |
Config |
BlocktrailSdk.Models Namespace
Type | Description |
Address | Will retrieve a specific address containing basic info such as the current balance, the total amount received, and the number of transactions made. |
Block | Block containing containing information about the difficulty, confirmations, transactions and more. |
Paging<'T> | Type that is returned upon a paginated request by the Blocktrail API. |
PagingResponse<'T> | Processed Paging response. Added functionality to improve paging experience. |
RelatedTransaction | Transaction that is retrieved from a block. |
Transaction | Transaction returned from the Blocktrail client. |
TransactionInput | Input of a transaction. |
TransactionOutput | Output of a transaction |
TransactionUnspentOutput | Unspent output of a transaction |